JIN-EASTERNAU設計總監Burgess:『我打造的科幻拳賽,就是未來世界的救贖 — 幻影賽佛拳』

Burgess, Design Director of JIN-EASTERNAU: "The sci-fi boxing match I created is the salvation of the future world - Phantom Fighting Buddha Boxing"

Boxing is our choice, Phantom fights with name, and Seifer presents style.

Phantom Sai Buddha Fist

"I want to have a boxing match that's a performance art thing." - Host Burgess Wu

No one thought that this kind of passionate boxing match would be held in a science fiction scene and presented as an artistic expression. The sci-fi scenes seen in Gunslingers, Altered Carbon, etc. are now embodied by Taiwanese design brand Jin JIN-EASTERNAU .

JIN visual expression

Kim JIN-EASTERNAU It is a clothing brand founded by Burgess Wu. Its core value is Cyberpunk integrating Eastern culture. From the event posters, you can see players and models wearing it. Jin JIN-EASTERNAU 's clothes show the brand's core oriental culture and the Cyberpunk style that design director Burgess Wu loves.

Burgess Wu, who loves boxing, wants to make the audience quickly accept and like the boxing culture through performance boxing. What he wants is not international professional boxing, but the gorgeous, sci-fi, unrealistic two-dimensional boxing in movies.

Where did the inspiration for Phantom Sai Buddha Boxing come from?

Burgess Wu got inspiration from a movie "Fighting Club" and combined it with his favorite science fiction scenes to create the only science fiction boxing in Taiwan. It not only shows the art of boxing, but also expresses the deep society. significance.

"In this capitalist society, we who are numb to life will find salvation in this future sci-fi boxing game."

Phantom Saifu Boxing MatchPhantom Saifu Boxing Match

The origin of Saifuquan

"I really like cyberpunk and other sci-fi-themed boxing, so I named the event ISB."

—Burgess Wu

ISB Phantom Sai Buddha Boxing, I=ILLUSION Fantasy, S=SCI-FI Science Fiction, B=BOXING Boxing.

Phantom Saifu Boxing Match

For Burgess Wu, Phantom Boxing is not just an ordinary boxing match, but a brand display The value of JIN-EASTERNAU is science fiction combined with the spirit of Eastern culture. Phantom is a name, while Saifu is a style and attitude. Boxing is to break the social system and stereotypes.

Phantom Saifu Boxing MatchPhantom Saifu Boxing Match

How is the competition venue created?

The venue is the brand Jin JIN-EASTERNAU 's showroom, in addition to displaying brand Jin's clothing, this space is also a performance space. This time, especially for Phantom Saifu Quan, iron chains are used to create a square venue according to the space of the venue, and then equipped with lighting effects. , creating a sci-fi metal scene like a steel arena in a movie.

Phantom Saifu Boxing VenuePhantom Saifu Boxing VenuePhantom Saifu Boxing VenuePhantom Saifu Boxing VenuePhantom Saifu Boxing Venue

The origin and original intention of JIN-EASTERNAU

"The original intention of establishing this brand was to allow Taiwanese people to wear their own country's brands and understand Taiwan's design capabilities." — Burgess Wu

Burgess Wu has been very interested in fashion design since she was a child. Although Burgess Wu never received education in fashion design, under the guidance and support of her mother, a fashion designer, she ignited her passion for design from beginning to end. Face everything with optimism.

Burgess Wu said, "I want to create a brand that belongs to Taiwan. At the same time, the quality can compete with the international competition, and let everyone know Taiwan's design capabilities." He strives to create products that are both valuable and highly practical, so JIN-EASTERNAU The brand was born.

Gold's high density and malleability make it easy to smelt, creating items with high design value that are both practical and comfortable to wear.

JIN new series

The connection between JIN-EASTERNAU and Phantom Saibutsu Fist

"We must be as flexible and flexible as gold, and become admirable and valuable beings" — Burgess Wu

Jin JIN-EASTERNAU 's philosophy is to create an international brand with value and practical wear. At the same time, he hopes that the brand The existence of JIN-EASTERNAU is like gold, which is not contaminated by the world and is loved by everyone. Burgess Wu wants to transform boxing into an art, combining the power and beauty of boxing and the pleasure of the audience into a performance, making the existence of boxing as ecstatic as gold, taking us away from the real world into a short and surreal world science fiction space.

"Welcome to Phantom Saifo Fist and enjoy this illusory world"

Phantom Saifo boxing match poster

Original link: https://reurl.cc/51Y5WR

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