JINEASTERNAU的JIN取自"金"的羅馬拼音,期許我們商品本身具有如同金的價值,我們認為環境的永續對全體人類更具有意義,秉持著這份精神我們希望能為社會與環境做一些努力,首先我們從製造最大量的廢棄物包裝袋開始改變。為了實踐,我們決定與大家攜手對抗塑膠污染,不僅僅是環保塑膠袋本身可回收使用,重覆黏貼的包裝袋口,此次還選用能溶於水、可於堆填區環境生物降解,或可工業埋肥的無毒無害包裝#INVISIBLEBAG的可溶解塑膠袋 開始。 在購買服飾時,是否注意過手中的包裝袋呢?它的用途僅僅確保商品完好的從商家到達您手中,卻造成了龐大的塑料浪費,JINEASTERNAU決定於四月開始與Invisible Company合作,將包裝袋替換成 #INVISIBLEBAG ,它不僅可立即溶於80度以上熱水,亦能慢慢溶解於冷水或室溫水,還可在高壓缺氧的環境中降解。讓您愉快購物的同時,再也不用擔心為地球帶來負擔。做環保最好的時機是十年前,其次就是金天。  


JINEASTERNAU的JIN取自"金"的羅馬拼音,期許我們商品本身具有如同金的價值,我們認為環境的永續對全體人類更具有意義,秉持著這份精神我們希望能為社會與環境做一些努力,首先我們從製造最大量的廢棄物包裝袋開始改變。為了實踐,我們決定與大家攜手對抗塑膠污染,不僅僅是環保塑膠袋本身可回收使用,重覆黏貼的包裝袋口,此次還選用能溶於水、可於堆填區環境生物降解,或可工業埋肥的無毒無害包裝#INVISIBLEBAG的可溶解塑膠袋 開始。 在購買服飾時,是否注意過手中的包裝袋呢?它的用途僅僅確保商品完好的從商家到達您手中,卻造成了龐大的塑料浪費,JINEASTERNAU決定於四月開始與Invisible Company合作,將包裝袋替換成 #INVISIBLEBAG ,它不僅可立即溶於80度以上熱水,亦能慢慢溶解於冷水或室溫水,還可在高壓缺氧的環境中降解。讓您愉快購物的同時,再也不用擔心為地球帶來負擔。做環保最好的時機是十年前,其次就是金天。  

JIN-EASTERNAU設計總監Burgess:『我打造的科幻拳賽,就是未來世界的救贖 — 幻影賽佛拳』

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Boxing is our choice, Phantom fights with name, and Seifer presents style. "I want to have a boxing match that's a performance art thing." - Host Burgess Wu No one...

Burgess, Design Director of JIN-EASTERNAU: "The...

Boxing is our choice, Phantom fights with name, and Seifer presents style. "I want to have a boxing match that's a performance art thing." - Host Burgess Wu No one...

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Oriental cyberpunk and alternative boxing match...

Jin JIN-EASTERNAU, a trendy clothing brand that has become famous in recent years with avant-garde design and oriental colors and is in line with the local flavor of Monga ,...

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The Taiwanese brand "JINeasternau" has gone through many ups and downs and many lucks from opening online to physical stores. Now it has its own store. The space is 60...

Taiwan's first CYBERPUNK clothing store integra...

The Taiwanese brand "JINeasternau" has gone through many ups and downs and many lucks from opening online to physical stores. Now it has its own store. The space is 60...


Take the lead in directly hitting the first sto...

The Taiwanese design brand "JINeasternau " was officially founded in 2015. The core of the brand is to strive to create products that have value and integrate with life. The...

Take the lead in directly hitting the first sto...

The Taiwanese design brand "JINeasternau " was officially founded in 2015. The core of the brand is to strive to create products that have value and integrate with life. The...